by Cube Websites | Dec 30, 2011 | MySQL, PHP
Introduction When working with databases, you may want a table structure which allows your record to have a parent record (heirachical recordset). In simple scenarios it’s easy enough to simply have a parent_id column. However, for displaying the entire tree...
by Cube Websites | Dec 29, 2011 | CSS, Tools
Less CSS is a great way to develop your stylesheets for websites. It lets you create nested rules, specify variables, functions and so much more. To use Less on a website you have 2 options: Use JavaScript to compile on-the-fly. This isn’t really recommended...
by Cube Websites | Dec 29, 2011 | Development, HTML, Tools
One the most common things I’m required to do on any website build is to use a custom font. This post discusses the various libraries that I’ve tried and tested, and which library I prefer the most. Cufon Cufon was the first library I was recommended and...
by Cube Websites | Dec 28, 2011 | Tools
Most web developers are familiar with the default dummy text generator, lipsum. However, today I discovered an alternative text generator which creates more unique content using Twitter. How It Works Twipsum allows you to enter a keyword, then it finds Tweets on...
by Cube Websites | Dec 27, 2011 | Development, JavaScript
A couple of days ago I discovered Intercom. An open-source JavaScript framework allowing anyone to create their own command-line application. I decided to try it out by creating a command line interface (CLI) for YouTube. What does this mean you ask yourself? Well,...
by Cube Websites | Nov 7, 2011 | Development, SEO
Last night I put the new version of the Cube Websites website live, and as part of the launch process I went through all the URLs from the old version of the site, and those which no longer existed I redirected to the most relevant URL on the new version of the site....