
FIX: Vagrant php-memcached error

I normally use PuPHPet to configure my Vagrant boxes. On my latest box using CentOS 5.6 the setup worked normally, but when trying to run my application I was getting the Class ‘Memcache’ not found error. Usually this is a simple fix, just go in and type:...

Impress.js – A JavaScript Presentation Library

If you’ve ever come across Prezi you may have been slightly wow-ed by it’s amazing little transition effects as you browse through each little presentation. Now, there’s a free and open-source JavaScript library called Impress.js (the author says no rhyme intended!)...
SimpLESS – A Free Open-Source LESS CSS Compiler

SimpLESS – A Free Open-Source LESS CSS Compiler

Less CSS is a great way to develop your stylesheets for websites.  It lets you create nested rules, specify variables, functions and so much more. To use Less on a website you have 2 options: Use JavaScript to compile on-the-fly.  This isn’t really recommended...