
If you need to use Directus with Laravel then this guide will take you through the steps needed to get connected in just a few minutes.

The general idea is to use a composer package to interact with Directus. We’ll register it in our AppServiceProvider which means we can call a pre-configured instance anywhere in our app using dependency-injection.

In Directus

  • It’s advisable to create a new role for your Laravel Application. To make it easy to track I give it the name ‘laravel-app’
  • Create a new user for your Laravel Application and assign it the new Role you just created
  • On the Edit User screen, find the ‘Token’ field. Generate a token and make a note of it somewhere

In Laravel

  • Now switch to your Laravel app. For this integration, I’m using a composer package from
  • Install the package:
composer require alantiller/directus-php-sdk
  • In your .env file add the following:
  • Replace the Url with your actual Directus URL
  • Replace YOURTOKEN with the Token you generated for your Laravel user in Directus
  • In config/services.php add the following:
'directus' => [
'url' => env('DIRECTUS_URL'),
'token' => env('DIRECTUS_TOKEN'),

In app/providers/AppServiceProvider.php add the following to the register() method

$this->app->singleton(Directus::class, function ($app) {
$directus = new Directus($app['config']['services']['directus']['url'],'');
return $directus;

In your code you’ll be able to now use Directus with the standard dependency injection. You can find examples on how to use the alantiller/directus-php-sdk package on Github.


php artisan make:command DirectusTest

In the handle method of the generated command:


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class DirectusTest extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'directus:test';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Command description';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
    public function handle(\Slations\DirectusSdk\Directus $directus)

Call the command:

php artisan directus:tset

The output should show you details of the Laravel App user you added on Directus. Once it’s working delete the command.

This is all it takes to have a fully working Directus integration with Laravel. The package does most of the work, but registering it in your AppServiceProvider means you’ll get a connected instance whenever you need to use it instead of having to instantiate it.

Note that this application uses an application token which is tied to a single user. If you need multi-user support then the package supports login so you can authenticate users and use their auth token.

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