
FIX: Vagrant php-memcached error

I normally use PuPHPet to configure my Vagrant boxes. On my latest box using CentOS 5.6 the setup worked normally, but when trying to run my application I was getting the Class ‘Memcache’ not found error. Usually this is a simple fix, just go in and type:...

FIX: Vagrant Pecl Error

I just came across an issue where I updated my vagrant config and tried to provision the box, but it kept erroring out with the following error: ==> default: Error: printf “\\n” | pecl -d preferred_state=stable install pecl_http returned 1 instead of...

FIX: Telegram Webhooks Not Working

Telegram messenger recently released an API that lets you easily create bots for their platform.  After deciding to have a bit of a play with it, I found that I had an issue where the webhooks would not send any updates to my server with no apparent error. The Problem...

FREEBIE: HotUKDeals (HUKD) Ruby Gem

I’ve just finished work on a Ruby Gem which provides an interface for the HotUKDeals (HUKD) REST API. This gem provides all the following search methods: hottest deals newest deals discussed deals deals by username deals by tag name deals by merchant name online...