I’ve just finished work on a Ruby Gem which provides an interface for the HotUKDeals (HUKD) REST API.
This gem provides all the following search methods:
- hottest deals
- newest deals
- discussed deals
- deals by username
- deals by tag name
- deals by merchant name
- online deals only
- offline deals only
- keyword search
Each search method also allows you to filter results by category, forum, limit the number of results.
It’s dead easy to install and run:
require 'hukd' hukd = Hukd.new("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE") deals = hukd.hottest('deals') deals.each |deal| do puts(deal.title) end
Full documentation can be found on the Github page.
Source code on Github
Gem on rubygems.org
If you have any issues or requests then feel free to get in touch 🙂